Saturday, November 13, 2010

Boxing Day

Having newly made tools just lie around on a bench or in a drawer simply isn't right. Here is a weekend fun project of resawing, box-jointing and making a home for a tool from a previous post.

That't right the words are cut on the CNC. I use DeskEngrave to make the G-Code for the working. It is a free-bee PC tool. Try it if yo want to make some quick signs or lettering.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pinion Jigs and fly cutting

I think I said it earlier that model engineering and in particular clock making is the art of making tools to make tools that make parts. Although there has not been much shop time lately I did take some time at the end of the summer (2010) to build a pinion milling jig. The plans for this came from Model Engineer's Workshop #164. Not having large mild steel on hand I made it from aluminum.

The lesson here came from proper grinding of a fly cutting bit. Have a look at this great site for details on grinding a fly cutter bit.
This site is an excellent resource and a good list of model engine projects.